Free Friends Forum: Abandoned To Ourselves--Naturalism, Humanism, Individualism Post #4
Authors' Corner - The Market for Liberty by Linda and Morris Tannehill (Video) Frederic Bastiat, Aug 29, 2012. 9:14
Market for Liberty Lecture and Review (Part 1a) (35 Videos series) CASS Feed 44, March 12, 2010. 9:59
In this lecture series Gary Chartier, a noted left-libertarian and professor at La Sierra University speaks on what we as libertarians can take (and not take) from Linda and Morris Tannehill's, "Market for Liberty".Start 5:50> “A frequent criticism of anarchism is that well you assume that people are benevolent in fact they're often quite greedy and selfish and we need the state to restrain them and the Tanninghills very very aptly respond but wait a minute if you really think people are fundamentally greedy fundamentally selfish fundamentally not to be trusted why the heck give anyone the kind of power you want to give the state? If you really think that people aren't at some deep level not to be trusted with power why trust the state with that kind of power?”
Boundaries of Order: Private Property as a Social System by Butler Shaffer (Book) Free pdf download and review
Butler Shaffer LIVE!: Boundaries of Order: Private Property as a Social System (Video), Oct 8, 2015. 1:27:47
Butler Shaffer 5:18> “so we have to find some kind of a principle that's going to serve that in that way we have to find out you know who gets to make decisions about about things in the world; and this begins with questions, one of which is the question of who can be an owner, who is an owner? and this is why when I get into these questions with my students this is the first question do you own yourself?”
Precondition for Peace and Prosperity: Rational Anarchy by Richard and Ernestine Perkins, Jan 1, 1971
Priceless book! If you are interested in the only possible freedom, this is the book for you. The book is rich in definitions and logic, and goes to the root of freedom and government. If you liked "The Market for Liberty" (M & L Tannehill), you will love "Precondition for Peace and Prosperity". Jorge Trucco
Mary Ruwart YouTube Channel
Dr Mary Ruwart, HEALING our WORLD (Video) William Wagener, Aug 29, 2009. 8:50
World’s Smallest Political Quiz (Online Quiz)
is a fast, fun and accurate assessment of a person’s overall political views. The Quiz is composed of two parts: a new political map that is far more accurate than the old “Left versus Right” line, and ten questions on specific political issues to help a Quiz taker find his place on that new political map. The Quiz challenges the dominant “Left versus Right” political model. The Left versus Right model tries to categorize virtually all political opinion into either left and right. The Quiz model is far more inclusive and accurate. It is based on the idea that virtually all political issues can be divided into two broad categories: Economic and Personal.
Who agrees with you most in the world of politics? (Video) The Advocates for Self-Government, May 13, 2011. 2:50
The intellectual antecedents of the idea of “anarcho-capitalism” (Article)
Introduction: 50 Years and counting
50 years ago I first came across the theory of anarcho-capitalism when I was in my last two years of high school (1973-74). I read everything I could get my hands on and I still have most of those books still in my possession, although they are a bit worse for wear, as you can see from the photo above. Here are the titles of the books in the photo – what is missing from this collection is Roy Childs, “An Open Letter to Ayn Rand: Objectivism and the State” (1969) which I have lost:
1. Etienne de la Boetie, The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude (1570s, Free Life Editions 1975)
2. Frédéric Bastiat, Economic Sophisms (1846, FEE 1968)
3. Frédéric Bastiat, Economic Harmonies (1851, FEE 1979)
4. Frédéric Bastiat, Selected Essays on political Economy (FEE 1975)
5. Gustave de Molinari, The Production of Security (1849, Center for Libertarian Studies 1977)
6. Gustave de Molinari, Les Soirées de la rue Sainte-Lazare (Guillaumin 1849)
7. Herbert Spencer, Social Statics (1851, Robert Schalkenbach Foundation 1970)
8. Lysander Spooner, No Treason and Letter to Thomas Bayard (1870, Ralph Myles 1973
9. Lysander Spooner, Collected Works, vol. 1 (M&S Press 1971)
10. Albert Jay Nock, Our Enemy, the State (1935, Free Life Editions 1973)
11. Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged (1957, New American Library, dated by me Jan. 1973)
12. Morris and Linda Tannehill, The Market for Liberty (1970)
13. Richard and Ernestine Perkins, Precondition for Peace and Prosperity: Rational Anarchy (1971)
14. John Hospers Libertarianism: A Political Philosophy for Tomorrow (1971)
15. Murray N. Rothbard, Man, Economy, and State (1962, Nash Publishing 1970)
16. Murray N. Rothbard, Power and Market: Government and the Economy (Institute for Human Studies 1970)
17. Murray N. Rothbard, For a New Liberty (1973)
18. Murray N. Rothbard, “The Anatomy, of the State” (1965) in Egalitarianism as a Revolt against Nature (Libertarian Review Press 1974)
19. Robert Nozick, Anarachy, State and Utopia (1974)
20. Workers Party. Platform (1975)
Responsibly Free Books—Free and Freeing Downloads
Precondition for Peace and Prosperity: Rational Anarchy by Richard and Ernestine Perkins, Jan 1, 1971
The Market for Liberty by Morris and Linda Tannehill 1970 (Book, Audiobook)
Healing Our World by Dr. Mary Ruwart 1993 (Book, Audiobook)
Complete Liberty: The Demise of the State and the Rise of Voluntary America by Wes Bertrand 2007 (Book, Audiobook)