Can capitalism save the planet? | Johan Norberg | The Capitalist Manifesto (Video) Atlantic Books, June 10, 2023. 2:28
Busting 3 common myths about free market capitalism | Johan Norberg | The Capitalist Manifesto (Video) Atlantic Books, June 10, 2023. 3:00
Dead Wrong® with Johan Norberg - How Sweden Got Rich - and Almost Poor (Video) Free To Choose Network, Sept 6, 2018. 1:41
The Capitalist Manifesto: How Free Markets Will Save the World (Video) The Cato Institute, Sept 26, 2023. 1:14:34
The New Statesman, By Michael Lind, July 8, 2023
Johan Norberg’s The Capitalist Manifesto is a feeble defence of a system under attack.
Why Do Intellectuals Love Socialism? Thomas Sowell (Video) Thomas Sowell, Dec 4, 2023. 9:4o
“Intellectuals may like to think of themselves as people who “speak truth to power” but too often they are people who speak lies to gain power.” Thomas Sowell
Why Do So Many Intellectuals Hate Free Markets? (Article) 08/24/2020 Ralph Raico
Francisco d`Anconia and Money (Video) aksourdough1, March 25, 2013. 1:57
Is Money The Root Of All Evil? Mike Maloney Reads Atlas Shrugged (
Video) GoldSilver (w/Mike Maloney) March 4, 2014. 20:48
“Francisco’s Money Speech” (Aricle) Capitalism Magazine. Ayn Rand, Aug 30, 2020
Richard Cobden: The Man Who Helped Turn Britain into a Free-trading Nation | HOP | Ep. 9 (Video) Human Progress, Jan 21, 2021. 2:19
Cobden’s work turned Britain, the global hegemon at the time, into a free trading nation – an act that set in motion global trade liberalization that has lifted millions of people out of poverty.
Richard Cobden: On Free Trade - Classics of Liberty Podcast (Audio) Libertarianism(dot)org Podcasts, Sept 15, 2021. 9:56
The Rational Optimist: A 3 Minute Summary (Video) Snap Summaries, Dec 20, 2023. 3:06
Book Summary: "The Rational Optimist" presents a compelling case for the idea that human history has been marked by continuous progress, from our earliest days as a species to the present. Matt Ridley argues that trade, specialization, and innovation have played crucial roles in improving our lives, increasing our prosperity, and promoting interconnectedness among people worldwide. By examining the history of human development, Ridley illustrates how exchange and collaboration have led to greater abundance, longer life spans, and a brighter future for humanity. ✅ Key Takeaways: 1️⃣ Explore the concept of "collective intelligence" and how it drives innovation and progress. 2️⃣ Understand the importance of trade and specialization in creating wealth and well-being. 3️⃣ Learn how technology and ideas spread, leading to continuous improvement. 4️⃣ Embrace the idea that innovation and cooperation have the potential to solve future challenges. 5️⃣ Challenge pessimistic viewpoints and embrace a rational, optimistic perspective on human progress.
Matt Ridley—The Rational Optimist (Video) Hoover Institution, Dec 9, 2010 33:34
Matt Ridley is a journalist and best-selling author…. His most recent book is The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves. Matt Ridley discusses the evolutionary process of "ideas having sex," calling it the secret behind human progress. He asserts that "barter was the trick that changed the world" and outlines his argument that life for the average human being is richer, healthier, and kinder than ever. Finally, he discusses whether limited government and rational optimism go hand in hand.
START 13:09 “barter was the trick that changed the world, elaborate on that”
NEXT 18:43 “I want to clear up this the direct link between commerce and virtue”
The Rational Optimist: The Rational Optimist How Prosperity Evolves by Matt Ridley (Audiobook) Readers Hub, Dec 5, 2021 11:05:09
The Rational Optimist: How Prosperity Evolves by Matt Ridley (book), May 18, 2010
Human Action by Ludwig von Mises Part 2 (Audiobook) C] On Exchange (audiobook)